According to Lerner (1981: 35), there are several characteristics of difficulties for children to learn mathematics, namely: the existence of interference in spatial relationships, abnormalities of visual perception, visual motor associations, perseveres, difficult to know and understand the symbols, appreciation disorders of the body, difficulty in language and reading, SCOR Performance IQ is much lower than verbal IQ scores.

1. Impaired spatial relations
The concept of spatial relations such as top down, top bottom, far closer, high-low, front and back, beginning the end generally has been mastered by children before entering elementary school, but for children to learn math understand these concepts suffer from a lack of communication and social environment less supports, in addition to the intrinsic condition suspected brain dysfunction. Because of the disorder the child may not be able to feel the distance numbers and the number line or ruler, and the child may not know that number 2 is closer to number 3 rather than to the number 8.
2. Abnormality of visual perception
The difficulties of children to learn mathematics often have difficulties to see the various objects in relation to the group. For example, children have difficulty in summing the two groups of objects consisting of three and four members. Children are also often unable to distinguish the forms of geometry.
3. Association of visual motor
Children is difficult to learn math often unable to count objects in a sequence, the child may just hold the second object but say four.
4. Perseveres
Children with attention attached to an object in a relatively long period of time. Disorders such attention is called perseveres. At first the child can do the task well, but gradually his attention attached to one object only, for example:
The difficulty to recognize and to understand symbols exist to children. They often have difficulties in identifying and using mathematical symbols like (+), (-), (X), (:), (=), (<), (>), disturbance This can be caused by impaired memory, and by disturbances of visual perception.
Impaired children body appreciation of mathematics learning is also often indicate a problem appreciation of the body (body image), the child is difficult to understand the relationship the parts of his own body, for example, if asked to draw a body, then there is no an intact.
Difficulty in reading and language learning mathematics. Children will have difficulty in solving problems in the form of stories.
PIQ score much lower than VIQ results of intelligence tests using the WISC (Weshler Intelligence Scale for Children) shows that children get difficulties to learn mathematics have PIQ (Performance Intelligence Quotient) is far lower than VIQ scores (Verbal Intelligence Quotient). Sub verbal tests include: information, similarities, arithmetic, vocabulary, and comprehension. Sub test performance include: completing the picture, composing a picture, arranging blocks, and arrange objects.