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Sep 28, 2011

Brainwave Entrainment In Foreign Language Learning

Research has found that the ideal state for learning is when the brain is in a relaxed, but aware state. At this point the brainwaves run at about 8 to 12 cycles per seconds and this is called the alpha state. Alpha frequencies are found to be useful for learning purposes in many ways. Research results reveal that in a relaxed state of mind learners memorize new words more easily. When using soothing sounds with brainwave entrainment technology that stimulates alpha brain waves, learners will be more relaxed and it will help them to absorb new information more easily.In ordinary awareness everything your hear, read or learn is filtered through short term memory and analytical processes and much of it never reaches long term memory.

With brainwave entrainment you can learn and remember things with much less repetition because the brainwave entrainment induces relaxed state of awareness where learning and memory functions are greatly increased. In this brainwave state new words and phrases you hear go straight into long term memory which is where language is stored.The whole-brain language instruction, for example, enhances the learning experience with soothing music, brainwave entrainment and colors. Teachers play music while reading definitions of the new words, leaving time for listeners to draw images of the words or they use guided meditation to build a relaxed state containing memories of success before the listeners hear the definitions again. Research results have confirmed that in a relaxed state of mind you will memorize new words more easily. When using soothing sounds with brainwave entrainment technology that stimulates your alpha brain waves, you will be more relaxed and it will help you to absorb new information much easily.

As lower brainwaves increase the ability to think in a creative manner, this puts the brain into a creative mode of thinking.Researchers have found that certain music types (e.g. baroque music) ease the brainwaves into the relaxed 'alpha state' that is ideal for learning. Guiding the brain into a specific frequency is aided by computer generated rhythmic pulses of sound, also called isochronic tones, so the brain can synchronize to a desired frequency. Guiding the brain to faster or higher frequencies has been shown to stir creativity and motivation while switching to lower or deeper frequencies can induce states of relaxation and calm. The use of music in the classroom can make the entire learning process more enjoyable and can stimulate "right" brain learning.

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