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Nov 9, 2011

Personal Success

  Self-improvement is the process by which an individual takes stock of his or her life and decides to make positive changes toward his or her goals. If you've been trying to change your life and have run up against a brick wall time and time again, then you may want to give self hypnosis a try.In order to grow and improve yourself, you need to change your programming.
    Your brain functions on two basic levels. Your conscious mind is what you have control over on day to day basis. Your subconscious mind is made up your past experiences, thoughts and feelings. It forms your automatic responses to life circumstances. If you've grown up in a situation in which you're constantly told you're not good enough your subconscious mind internalizes that message. This part of your brain becomes programmed to believe that you're not good enough, and that becomes your first gut reaction to any challenge. Anything that you try to do on a conscious level will be thwarted by beliefs that you hold in your subconscious mind.
    When you are in a state of hypnosis, you or your hypnotherapist will offer suggestions that will act as new programming for your subconscious mind. If you use these positive beliefs about yourself to exact real change in your life that was not possible before. It starts by identifying the beliefs that are holding you back. Ask yourself the following questions:
        When I'm trying to achieve something in my life, how does my self-talk sound?
  What was I told about success growing up?
  What kind of fears do I have about becoming successful?
  Hypnosis allows you access to your subconscious mind so you can change your beliefs at a deep level. The reason you've been stuck when you try other personal growth techniques is that they don't go to the root of the problem. The levels of your mind are like the levels of the earth. Changing something on the surface of the earth doesn't affect the core. In order to affect the core, you've got to drill down and access it directly. Think of hypnosis as your personal self improvement training to get down into the deep parts of your subconscious mind.

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