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Oct 29, 2011

Learning Tips for Effortless Language Learning

Any person, who is learning a new language for the first time, may initially face some emotional trauma related to the territory. It is quite likely that in the beginning when you start comprehending the language, you experience moments of exhilaration. However, often, such feelings of excitement are also followed by feelings of discouragement and frustration when you might believe that it will never be possible for you to master those concepts and become capable of understanding and communicating effectively. Below given are some research-verified and time-tested language-learning tips that will allow you to lessen potential frustration by increasing your capacity to learn the language effortlessly:
Setting Realistic Expectations:
In most language courses, from the very beginning, instructors communicate to the class in the new language itself. Hence, you would need to accept that not everything that is being said will be comprehendible, in fact, for that matter, there’s almost nothing that you will be able to make out in the first few sessions of a language course. This is because your mind and your ear are still in the process of adapting to the rhythm and sounds of that language. However, at the same time, although much of the messages being conveyed to you will not make any sense, you will be stunned at your ability to increasingly make more sense of the new language. So, remember that one of the most effective language learning tips is to simply practice more and more so you make more errors and learn more from them.
2. Breaking Each Segment In Smaller Chunks:
Research has shown that studying a language for shorter lengths but frequently gives more effective results than studying it for extended lengths and infrequently. This essentially means doing a couple or few more homework exercises everyday instead of trying to finish all homework coursework within a day.
Moreover, during your entire day, there are several moments when you can manage to devote a few minutes to practice. Repeating the material frequently will make it more familiar to you and eventually, become a habitual part of your speech repertoire.
3. Focus On Vocabulary:
One of the most essential elements of learning a language is to focus on its vocabulary. You can do this by using flash cards. On the front of each flash card, write the new vocabulary word and on its back, mention the English definition of that word. You can improvise on this technique using your own imagination. For instance, you can make use of different color codes for different genders. You can also organize these cards into meaningful groups such as groups for regular and irregular verbs, noun, gender, thematic categories etc.Using flash cards is one of the most common language learning tips recommended by experts, since they can be easily carried everywhere and offer several possibilities. You can shuffle your flash cards, see the foreign word and try recollecting their English meaning and then later, look at these English definitions first and then, recall the foreign words.

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