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Nov 11, 2011

Thinking The Power of Expectation and Manifestation

  We often hear that it is vital to have a real desire towards reaching your goals and being really passionate about the positive consequences of doing so. The majority of people however have no problems with their desire levels and actually having the desire to reach a goal, is the last thing most people need to work on.
  Everybody desires to be a millionaire, to have the body of their dreams, to be a powerful communicator, to be someone who constantly gives value to others and generally just someone that is perceived as having a lot of success. The reason why most people never reach these goals however is because their desire is not backed up by faith and expectation.
  It is one thing to really want something in your life, but it is another thing to have a clear expectation that you will eventually reach your goal and that it is just a matter of time before you can look back on your journey to the top.
  A story about a boy
  Just the other day I was sitting on the beach and meditating while watching the sunset. Out of nowhere a little boy around the age of 6 came up to me and asked me if I wanted to buy one of the Lei’s(flower necklace) he had around his neck.
  I smiled, turned around and reached into my satchel and took out the equivalent of around 5$. As soon as I turned around to give him the money, I saw that he was already several feet away and that he was walking away with his head down. He had interpreted my action of turning around to get the money as a way of rejecting him and he had immediately decided to give up and walk away.I had to verbally call him back and give him the money. The boy looked at me in disbelief and I wished I could speak the same language as him so I could explain to him the potential belief shift he could make at that given moment. He turned around and walked away with a smile on his face, but it remains a mystery whether or not he learned the real lesson

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