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Sep 20, 2011

Disadvantages of Distance Learning

  Disadvantages of Distance Learning
  One may be surprised to learn that there are few disadvantages of online courses when compared to the traditional mode of education which may have repercussions on different aspects of life.
  Absence of Social Interaction
  Students who are enrolled in distance learning programs often miss the aura of social interaction with teacher and their peers. Although distance learning students are required to participate in discussion boards, chat forum or via e-mail, but that differs greatly from the interaction on campus.
  Inappropriate Format for Everyone
  Not everyone is suitable for enrollment in correspondence programs especially if a person tends to lag behind their work, lacks motivation and requires individual coaching from their teacher. Some people learn only when they’re physically present in the class and assimilating all the information personally.
  No Acceptance of Online Degree
  At times, the viability of online degrees is doubted, and sometimes people see a stigma associated with it. It’s always a good idea to check with the corporate companies if they accept online degree or not to avoid any future consequences.
  Complicated Technology Carrying Hidden Costs
  Some people find unpredictable hidden costs in the course of pursuing online courses. At times, the technology employed is very complicated with a required beforehand planning of equipment and system set-up.
  Non-Availability of Relevant Courses
  Students pursuing a distance learning degree may not always find all the necessary courses available online. For instance one would find much easier to complete a psychology course online as compared to a technician course for which hands on practical training would be considered mandatory. So not all correspondence courses always fulfill individual course requirements.
  Lack of Instant Feedback
  Many times students are not given an instant feedback concerning their performance, as they would get when enrolled in a traditional school set-up. When personally attending college, the instructor gets a chance to assess students personally based upon their spontaneous performance, but in a distance learning set-up, the instructor’s ability for an instant feedback minimizes because of a visual gap.

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