“O man! You are not doing it right. Leave it you are not good at it.” These are the ominous words an ordinary man usually hears in his office. And the dilemma is that he really cannot do anything to make it right because he actually is not good at it. It is harsh but its reality.
Unfortunately we are involved in a world where most of the people are in a race of searching a career which can pay them better. Somehow some lucky ones get a chance to get a bright career even though they are not up to the mark. These fools not only are paid better but also somehow manage to recruit some people of their own kind hence running the entire image of the career.
BUT majority belongs to that class which is misfit in their job. This class includes people who have been forced to chose a specific job by their elders or because the business was run by their forefathers. Other people who make up the rest of the volume of this class are those who have adopted a career because they did not have any other choice.
It is better to choose a career which besides fulfilling your financial requirements must also fulfill the desires of your soul. In simple words the career must suit your interests otherwise it will stress you out and will gear up the process of wear and tear in your body, life as well as career. By acquiring a job of your own interest you not only open the doors of learning for you but also unintentional boost in your work quality will assist you excel in the career.
Here are some tips by which you can qualify the nature of the career you should acquire:
1) Figure out your INTERESTS:
Every person is a package itself. Some traits are dominant and some are recessive. Every person has his own likings and disliking. Every person is unique. It is just the matter of utilization of traits at right time and at right place. The traits which usually boost a career depend upon the nature of the job. Of course labor must have the knack of hard work otherwise he may not get his or her performance as it is required. In the same way a poet, a painter, an accountant, a news caster and even a cobbler must have a special sense boosting his performance of whatever he is doing. He must have interest in its job otherwise learning and productivity gets dumped. Do you expect, a person who does not want to do a job, will give its fullest to the work. Definitely if someone is not involved in a work willingly , will not exert efforts to its fullest in order to have a work done in a righteous manner.
So , before selecting a career you must make a list of the things you like to do . Very importantly separate out the works which you enjoy to do from the works which you are only interested in. It means you have to draw a clear boundary line between the jobs you will be enthusiastic to do and the jobs you will only enjoy doing. This will give you a broad range of careers in which you will best fit. And choose among them.
2) Classify the quality of work:
After you have made a list of careers you can adopt, half a work is done. Next step is to classify the careers according to its quality. Quality in sense of financial output and efforts input. There must be a balance between the output you are having after giving your maximum efforts. Careers in which output which may be in terms of money or anything else outweighs the efforts or even balances the efforts are most suitable. Otherwise such jobs which make you suffer by extracting your talents out but nourishing you a little are rejected in first glance.
3) Future in that career:
And the last thing in selecting a career is to have a deep thorough look over the future of the career you have selected. In case you select a career which is going to obsolete in near future will definitely cost u a lot. So better select a career which may give you security, money but also chances to excel in the field.
Are you really afraid or do you just not have a clearly defined vision of your passion and true purpose? You know it’s there; you’ve felt it; you’ve glimpsed it in your mind’s eye for a fleeting moment, but just can’t quite describe it exactly. Let’s take a moment to suspend fear and disbelief and catch a glimpse of your passion and purpose again.
Imagine living your life as you know you are meant to live it. You’ve been there before. Remember that perfect day, when all was in alignment.
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