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Dec 27, 2017

Self-confidence and self-confidence - immediate actionable tips

"I would love to be stronger. Trust me. I dare to be more ME. Dare to do more of my thing. Easier to approach people. And while we're at it: I would also like to be more at peace with myself. Just say, 'Hey, I'm no k, the way I am, no matter what the others think.'

Could that be the thought? If so, then you are right here. Because this is about these topics: self-confidence, self-confidence and self-acceptance. Or, more precisely, it's about how to increase those positive qualities.

To accept oneself means to accept oneself as one is. So to say: Yes, my nose is crooked and I'm still a human o. K. The big question is: how can one really live this attitude of self-acceptance? So to really accept oneself in everyday life. Also with what you do not like about yourself. This is a simple but very effective tip that needs a bit of practice.

Do you know what self-confidence is? That's the belief in oneself. The belief that you can handle the challenges that throw life into your path. The belief that by thinking, diligent work and staying in touch, you can achieve everything you have planned for.

Self-confident people behave more confidently than people with low confidence in themselves. They react calm and relaxed in difficult situations. You can listen to criticism and deal with it in a relaxed way. In addition, people with a strong self-confidence act more than they react. And they address things that are important to them.

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