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Dec 27, 2017

Self-confidence and self-confidence - immediate actionable tips

"I would love to be stronger. Trust me. I dare to be more ME. Dare to do more of my thing. Easier to approach people. And while we're at it: I would also like to be more at peace with myself. Just say, 'Hey, I'm no k, the way I am, no matter what the others think.'

Could that be the thought? If so, then you are right here. Because this is about these topics: self-confidence, self-confidence and self-acceptance. Or, more precisely, it's about how to increase those positive qualities.

To accept oneself means to accept oneself as one is. So to say: Yes, my nose is crooked and I'm still a human o. K. The big question is: how can one really live this attitude of self-acceptance? So to really accept oneself in everyday life. Also with what you do not like about yourself. This is a simple but very effective tip that needs a bit of practice.

Do you know what self-confidence is? That's the belief in oneself. The belief that you can handle the challenges that throw life into your path. The belief that by thinking, diligent work and staying in touch, you can achieve everything you have planned for.

Self-confident people behave more confidently than people with low confidence in themselves. They react calm and relaxed in difficult situations. You can listen to criticism and deal with it in a relaxed way. In addition, people with a strong self-confidence act more than they react. And they address things that are important to them.

Nov 28, 2017

Self-improvement for advanced skiers

Fast? But sure, since Ash Wednesday! And, yes, of course until Easter, at least until Easter. No meat. No alcohol. No sweets. Sports every day. Discuss with an AFD voter once a week. Remove the old to-do list. Be friendly and nice, even boring. To this end, digital detoxification of course tightened: only three times a day to seize the psychoprosthesis and check a maximum of fifteen minutes emails and social media.

Good! Very good! But were not the good New Year's resolutions exactly nine program points? And did not they sound, well, yes, very similar? Only 12 percent of people manage to keep their New Year or Lent intentions , so 88 percent fail.

Why is that? And if so, why do we keep trying? Why do people make intentions on New Year's Eve? Are they depriving themselves of the beginning of Lent, high and holy? And do you already know that it will not work again afterwards? How to become world champion in the tolerance of your own failure?

On the one hand, it is innate, an adjustment disorder to a certain extent. The human brain wants to spare its resources, it avoids activation energy, so it is basically lazy and likes to run on autopilot. To continue doing as before seems always to be the more economical option for the brain. Experiment series have shown that it takes an average of 66 days for a person to really reapply a good habit or train a bad one. In other words, anyone who manages it for 66 days has made it.

On the other hand, because people in multi-option societies suffer from chronic voluptuousness, smartphone fasting, for example, could be the best way to get started in those 66 days. A few days of ordered use of psychoprostheses releases amazing willpower for greater things.

If you want to try it, you should divide the 66 days into three phases, which are explained in the big essay to the habit change. And no, no one has to wait until the next Ash Wednesday, but rather stick with Confucius: "If you intend to renew yourself, do it every day."

Oct 30, 2017

Language learning: the digital helps, but does not dethrone the human

Many teachers still feel fears about new technologies and focus on continuing traditional courses. Others, on the other hand, rely on these tools to enrich their courses, without making an apology without limit.

And it is, indeed with caution that the professor uses today digital in its courses. She works in "reverse class," asking her students to watch video clips before classes to prepare them, "a way to touch different sensory channels." It also uses platforms to create quizzes online; or makes "clouds of words"to work on representations. Géraldine Larguier often uses collaborative tools, tests them upstream and then gives her opinion to these colleagues via social networks.

And if, purely digital applications flourish, some startups have made the choice to stand out by a human dimension through the 2.0 tools. Among these EdTech, we can mention Absolutely French, a startup that allows expatriate spouses to learn French. "Digital is a tool", but everything is based on practical experiences. "We started from the premise that we retain more of what we live," explains Armelle Perben, founder of the startup . "Thus, through workshops, learners go to the market, make treasure hunt in Paris, slip into roles in small groups or cooking. " In addition to these scenarios,"Digital is mandatory," she says. Absolutely French is developing an e-learning platform so that, with the classroom, fun exercises are available online. An application is also in preparation that will offer a word in French every day. "It allows us to make ourselves known, learn and review," adds Armelle Perben.

This is the case of Charlotte, 10, who has an appointment with her coach Abby, once a week. For this young Francilienne and her parents, although enrolled in a course of "reinforced English" in addition to its four hours of living language weekly, this was not enough. After spending 2 years in Singapore with her expatriate family, the schoolgirl and her parents were afraid that by reintegrating the French school system, her level of English would drop. "There are still big concerns for language learning in France," said Elodie, Charlotte's mother. With VivaLing, once a week, like a video Skype type, the girl talks with his coach on "Halloween, Christmas, sport or horseback riding",themes to which it is sensitive. And it is, in addition to the practical aspect related to the choice of the time slot, for the "hyperpersonalization" and "discussion" side that the Charlotte family decided for VivaLing.

Sep 28, 2017

Self-development tips for tech leaders

Setting goals, managing your time, being motivated and being able to focus are all self-management skills that great IT managers cultivate.
Despite this, skills classes for managers tend to focus around time management and organization. Here are some other self-management skills, and ways you, as a manager, can work on developing them

Keep your focus on projects
Maintaining a focus on projects, the mainstay of IT, seems obvious for IT managers but it isn't easy.

This is a difficult quandary to manage through, because it is critical for you to represent your organizations in company meetings, but you also have to keep your fingers on the pulse of projects.

The solution:
When you anticipate having full days of outside meetings, come in early and take an extra hour to touch base with your project leads.You don't want make a practice of having too many overcommitted days like this, but taking that extra hour in the morning has saved many IT managers the headache of having to straighten out major issues that arose in their absence, and that they could have prevented if they'd stayed in touch.

Aug 28, 2017

The plan of personal ability to enhance

No planned life is blind, everything must be planned, only then things can be done handy, well-organized. It is necessary to give yourself a personal development plan, so that the self can better adapt to their own lead. As a Personnel Commissioner, I am mainly responsible for the remuneration accounting, combined with the current characteristics of the work, from the following aspects to talk about my personal promotion plan:
1. own status analysis
advantage analysis
Doing things patience, perseverance, can be an orderly handling of cumbersome things, motivated, strong learning potential. Failing to calm, strong compressive potential.
Lack of analysis
Time management potential is poor, EXCEL office software proficiency in general, logical thinking potential is poor, poor expression potential, writing in general.

2. Personal potential to enhance the implementation of specific programs
Reasonable arrangements for the use of time, improve work efficiency. Book village net shucunwang.
Learn to list the list, the self to do everything to write down, this first allows you to always clear themselves on the task at hand. Do not believe that the self can use my mind to remember everything, and when you see the self-long list, it will also have a sense of urgency.

Jul 24, 2017

How to improve their learning ability?

In the human intelligence structure, learning ability is the most important ability, it is the foundation and premise of other ability. No ability to learn, other abilities can not be established and developed. How to improve their learning ability is particularly important

1. Clear purpose
Doing anything, the first is to have a clear purpose, learning knowledge is no exception. If the purpose of learning is not clear, even if hard, and then work, the effect will not be good. Like a person to the car to the east of a city, the results of the wrong way, to a Western city, the faster the car, the farther away from the destination. The purpose of modern managers is the six necessary, only to clear the purpose of learning in order to receive tangible results.

2. correct attitude
Attitude is able to make things dry half of the success. Some scholars put the correct attitude to form a style. The essence of the same is true, the American education professor Ken Dan said: "like everyone's character, characteristics vary widely, we learn new materials is also a variety of ways. To learn effective, the key is to know, And strive to cultivate their own style. "Visible, learning how to form the style of important. If you can correct attitude, to form their own style, will learn to receive results.

3. Develop a plan
Learning to work with any of the same, in order to be successful, in advance must develop a plan to be aware of. Learning plans include: learning purposes, learning time, learning content, learning methods, learning places, to achieve the results. For the plan to be strictly observed, and regularly check the implementation of how.

Jun 24, 2017

North Korean children 'forced to water drought-stricken fields at 5am' before shortened school day

As North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un steps up the rate of his hi-tech missile tests, schoolchildren in the hermit kingdom are reportedly being forced to cut class to water crops that are dying in a severe drought.

According to a report on Radio Free Asia’s Korean service, high school and college students in the north of the country have been mandated since mid-May to help water the dry fields from 5am to 10am every day.

Last week the Rodong Sinmun, the North’s biggest newspaper and regime mouthpiece, reported that the country had been struck by an “abysmal” drought.

It claimed that the authorities were involved in “prevention battles” and had dispatched 1,300 sprinkers and about 2,100 portable water pumps.

Pictures published by NK News showed at least three major reservoirs in South Hwanghae Province and next to Pyongyang airport in the capital had completely dried up.

May 25, 2017

Distance learning to reach 50 lakh by 2025, says VC of IGNOU

                                                     HYDERABAD: Students of open digital learning of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) would reach to 50 lakh by 2025 from the current 30 lakh students, university vice chancellor Prof Ravindra Kumar said on Friday.

The university would add about 100 new courses in the next couple of months to the existing 232 programmes of 60 areas currently being offered by the university.

"There is wrong perception among the people that distance learning is an alternative way of learning. But it is a parallel method of conventional learning. The open universities are not compromising on the quality of education," Ravindra Kumar said.

Ravindra Kumar told TOI that the university had already been providing services in digital mode right from filling up online application, payment of fees to providing material to Prof Ravin and would reach 100% digital in the coming years. "Every year, 10 lakh new students are being added in the open universities in the country. The only way of reaching them easily and speedily is through digital mode. The Centre had allotted five channels of IGNOU, of which four channels have already been launched for imparting edu cation to the stu dents," the vice chancellor said.

He said the downloaded study material is now av ailable not only for students but also general public (e gyan kosh). The students of other universities can al so access the material from anywhere, the vice-chancellor said. The university has already set up Electronics Media Centre for taking digital and visual to the students.