Today I bid on not particularly fashion-related photos - but the pictures (which are also taken here and now) illustrating another great job in my everyday life. My studio. I often mention my study here on the blog and the reason is probably that the study in no way linked to the blog. I read dentistry at the University of Copenhagen ie Dentist training.
It's really two different worlds I stand up to every day. In the morning, the hair flung up into a bun, and I run mostly around in my white coat Panum - Later reports the great events, and kittelen being substituted with rivet-jackets, camel coats .. etc. Sometimes there is overlap - and then I have to prioritize - which depends a lot of subjects and of course how much the event appeals to me. I often get questions like: "How do you make it work?", "Are you dropped out?" And "WTF Lida, how do you have time to work and Zumba and blog? Do you sleep at all? "Yes I sleep and I get 7 hours of sleep every night - but I will admit that I right now do not read as much as I should.
I am the type who 'take it as it comes' without lazy it too much - Unlike high school where I was totally striving and probably stressful to deal with at times haha .... It is very important for me to reach all the other good things in life next to my study, so I can remember back in the study as the Fed and not only recalled reading room and dry lectures. Some people prefer to have a few things in their lives - I'm the type who MUST deal with 100 things at once - otherwise bored I am! Anyway what I wanted with this post was enough just to give you an insight into my everyday life. Now I'll throw biochemistry book down - Time to get blogger hat - Sandra is coming, OOTD be shot and later Hunkemöller event. Adios!
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