To properly utilize another language, you must know how that country thinks and feels. With Japan, the people are integral to the country. What the Japanese culture loves and respects will give insight into how the language has developed and how it is best spoken. The Japanese are most known by their work ethic and their attention to honor and success.

The old values of honor and respect permeate this society. They follow codes and rituals for many aspects of their life. Their rituals are old and plentiful. This combination means that nothing is done without thought. Yet they have found beauty in the subtle and simple. It is in the simplicity that they find their expression.
The architecture, art, dance, clothing, and gardens are an important part of Japanese culture. Attention to detail is imperative in what they do. Even more, there is a need for every aspect of their ways. In their traditional dress with sashes and incredibly crafted kimono, they showcase their focus on even the smallest part of the whole.

These points must be addressed in your decision to learn this language. Learning the words and imitating the sounds does not mean you have learned the language. The learning is in the understanding of the importance of words for mothers to children, from poets, and lovers. Their words have been used throughout time to share and explain and that must be taken into account when you decide to learn Japanese.
The Japanese are known for their clean lines, simple elegance, and attention to detail. They live in simple but tastefully maintained homes. Their gardens are a reflection of water and plants creating a natural beauty. Their clothes are perfectly made and beautifully appointed. The ancient kimono is inherently beautiful with the textiles not only telling a history but showing artistic talent too.
Their food is a combination to create a whole and clean taste. Whether you like it or not, the food is beautiful to look at and time is taken to prepare it. Those that do enjoy the cuisine take the time to create new items that appeal not only to the taste but to the eye as well.
Watching the samurai in the movies shows the importance of honor, dedication, and valor. This runs through all the people of Japan and through the country. The idea of being a warrior that defends those that cannot defend themselves is an aspect that forms not only the people but the society they live in.
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