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Jan 25, 2012

How To Write Contract Proposals?

Many companies use contract proposals when obtaining new customers or trying to get a specific job. A contract proposal is written by a company to its customers or to another company. It contains information about the work the company will perform for the customers or other business. A customer or company accepts this proposal, if desired, by signing it, which therefore creates a contract between the two parties. A contract proposal is easily created in a word-processing program.

1.Open a word-processing program. Name the blank page and save it. When starting the contract proposal, either use letterhead or include your company's name, address, phone number and email address at the top of the page.
2.List the name of the individual or company the proposal is for. The first part of the contract proposal should state the name of the other party and also include the person or company's address and phone number.
3.State the time duration of services. A contract proposal is normally used to provide services under contract for a specified period. If the contract proposal is from a janitorial services company, for example, the company is creating the proposal to obtain janitorial services from the other party for a certain period.
4.State the type of services. Include the details of what work is covered in the services your company provides. Be specific and use bulleted items to make everything clear. If you prefer not to use bullets, write the details in paragraph form. This description is often called the scope of work.
5.Specify the tools and deliverables. Include all the necessary resources your company will need to accomplish this job. This includes such things as keys for the building, security codes and passwords.
6.Estimate the cost of the proposal. Calculate the cost of the services, whether it is weekly or monthly, and stipulate this. Offer a breakdown of each item, and explain the costs for materials and labor.
7.Include any other necessary details. Let the customer know the expiration date of the contract proposal and any terms and conditions that apply, including rescheduling and cancellation policies.
8.Leave room for signatures. After the contract proposal is complete, leave blanks for both parties to sign, and date the proposal if it's accepted.

Jan 17, 2012

Daily Affirmations For Self-Esteem

Why use daily affirmations for self-esteem? The solution is simple. Daily affirmations work! They work exceptionally well when attempting to increase self-esteem because self -esteem is such a tenuous possession and needs to be worked on daily for maximum advantage. So disciplining yourself to execute affirmations daily to make yourself feel better about yourself is the way to go. Thus, to improve your self-esteem perform these uncomplicated steps and you will feel better about yourself and in the process gain confidence.
To begin with put in writing down what it is you want to improve.
Make it personal to you.
Make sure that you write it in the present tense.
Keep it simple.
An example might be similar to the following one.
I deserve to be happy.
Now you must memorize the affirmation.
In the morning, before you get up, say the affirmation out loud to yourself.
Make sure that each affirmation is stated with feeling and passion. You have to really feel each one to make these daily affirmations work for you. A good way to ensure if you are giving these daily affirmations enough passion is if you feel happier after practising them. If you don't then you must execute these affirmations again until you carry out.
It is a good idea to say the affimations again just before you go to bed.
Any time you feel yourself doubting your desire or any unconstructive thoughts enter your mind, clear them from your mind and repeat your positive affirmation.
execute not let negative thinking patterns beat you. Keep focussed on your daily affirmations and believe in their power. Trust me I know how powerful affirmations are! You can employ the power of affirmations for anything you would like to achieve. They have transformed my life and totally boosted my self-esteem. I promise you that if you follow through on this you will reap the benefit. You just have to make yourself stick with them daily. If you find this to be a problem, you can always make an affirmation that you always perform your affirmations daily!
Then you had better take cover because your self-esteem will explode.

Jan 15, 2012

Two Simple Strategies That You Can Use To Improve You Self Confidence

Our level of self confidence has a direct impact on many areas of our lives. Self confident individuals tend to find it easier to become successful emotionally, financially and socially. Everybody is capable of improving their level of self confidence. First, you have to make a decision. Are you prepared to work hard and really focus on improving your self confidence and self esteem? Think about what you want to achieve in life? How will improving your self confidence help you to achieve your objectives?
Here are two simple strategies that you can use to improve you self confidence - starting today.
Strategy One - Be positive about life.
It is vital to train yourself to appear positive on the outside, even if you do not feel positive on the inside. By behaving in a self confident manner, you are more likely to feel more self confident on the inside.
Nobody likes other people talking about them in a negative way. Why then, would you choose to say nasty things about yourself? Think how you would like to be treated by others. Now, apply that to the way you treat yourself.
Avoid people who either pity you or treat you badly. This will only result in you maintaining a low level of self esteem.
Never let a person lead you to believe you are in some way inferior. You have strengths and talents that deserve to be credited. If somebody cannot treat you with respect, they are quite frankly not worth your time.
It is vital to start thinking about the way you talk both to yourself and about yourself. Start to believe and talk to yourself in a positive way. Always talk about what you are doing in life, your future, your family and social life in a positive fashion.
Strategy Two - Focus on your strengths and your achievements.
We are all human at the end of the day. Nobody is perfect. Nobody gets things right all the time. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or ask for help if you need it. Avoid trying to be a perfectionist at all costs. It is not healthy and you will only succeed in failing to achieve your goals. All you can ask from yourself is to try your best. That is all anyone can do.
Everybody is good at something. People tend to be good at things that they enjoy doing. What are your hobbies and interests? What are you passionate about? What new activities would you like to try but have never done before? Is there something that you would like to learn more about? Try to set aside just a couple of hours a week to do something you enjoy. This will help you to gain confidence by meeting like-minded people.
Learn to take a compliment. Smile and say thank you. You deserve to be given fair praise for your achievements. Start to pay compliments to other people.

Jan 12, 2012

Some English Language Learning Tips

Many people ask the question - How long does it take to learn another language? The answer to that is - How much study time do you have?
Obviously the more time you study the quicker you will learn. It is also important to speak the language as much as possible even if you make mistakes. The more you try, the faster you will speak.
Here are some English language learning tips that will help you to learn English:
English Language Learning Tip 1 - PRONUNCIATION!
The FIRST thing you should do is to listen to and learn the PRONUNCIATION of the language. My advice to you is to get this correct from day one! Spend time on this now and the rest of your learning for the rest of your learning period will benefit greatly!
Some languages are phonetic, some are not. Phonetic means the sounds and the letters of the words always match. There are international phonetic symbols that show how to pronounce all the sounds in all of the world languages in the world.
The English language is not a phonetic language so it is ESSENTIAL to first learn the phonetic symbols that belong to the sounds of English words. It is certainly possible to study English without any knowledge of these phonetic symbols but your learning time will be much longer and most times your pronunciation will be inaccurate as you are relying on memorising the sounds of the words for the most part of your learning, just as you had to do as a baby.
I strongly recommend the learning phonetics for learners of English before you open your first grammar or reading book! If you can learn the CORRECT pronunciation at the beginning, it will save you a lot of precious learning time later. It is a lot harder to undo incorrect learning and have to relearn the word correctly.
I have written a book (including audio CD) to help you to learn these phonetic symbols. It is called "Phonetics for Learners of English Pronunciation"
If you have already started studying English but need some assistance with pronunciation this book will still help you!
English Language Learning Tip 2 - STUDY TIME!
It is more beneficial to study a minimum of 20 mins every day than to study one hour per week.
English Language Learning Tip 3 - The methods for learning any language are:
This is how you learned your own language as a baby!. You have already learned one language - you CAN learn another one!
However, as a baby you first listened, then copied saying the sounds, then you began learning how to read and write. Some language experts say that you do not fully learn your own native language until about the age of 12 -15 years old!
As an adult you have the advantage of being able to read and write already so your learning of a second language should be much faster!
English Language Learning Tip 4 - Listen!
Listen to as much English as you can as this will let you hear the sounds, stress and intonation of the English language for you to copy them.
Listening Resources:
Cassette tapes and CDs that accompany workbooks
Audio books
Native speakers
Radio and television (news and documentary programmes have the better pronunciation without slang as in many regular programmes).
English Language Learning Tip 5 - Read! Read! Read!
This is probably the easiest study method as you can do this at your own pace, in your own time and at your own level.
Reading sources:
Course Books (these will possibly be the first type of books you will read)
Magazines (good for short stories, advertisements etc)
Graded Reading Books (these books are specially written for each of the learning levels)
Newspapers (they may be difficult at first - but persevere!)
English Language Learning Tip 6 - Writing!
Writing is a powerful way to learn a language. All my language students who wrote an essay every week to give me to correct, learned English much faster than the students who never wrote, and some not even notes in class!
Every time you look for a word in the dictionary you should write this word in a small pocket notebook, small enough to keep in your pocket or handbag along with your pocket dictionary, so that you can use it at all times and all places(eg standing waiting for the bus!). (See Learning Vocabulary).
English Language Learning Tip 7 - Speaking!
Now you are Now you are ready to put it all together and SPEAK! Try to do this as soon as possible and dont be afraid to make a mistake. If it is a bad bad mistake a native speaker will soon tell you. However a native speaker will not always tell you your mistakes! A native speaker will not always know the grammar of their own language. (Do you?) So may not be able to explain your mistakes but just give you the correct answer.
It is best to do some study with a professional language college. If you are studying with a private teacher, ask to see his/her qualifications. Just because someone is a native speaker of a language doesn't make him/her a qualified teacher! He/she should have some kind of teaching qualification AND an EFL (English as a foreign language) teaching qualification.

Jan 9, 2012

How To Write A Contract For A New Job

Employees often write contracts or proposals for new jobs within the companies they work for. If you have developed a new job that would offer benefits to the company, write a proposal to your manager or owner of the company to propose your idea. A proposal explains the new job, what it consists of, the details and the benefits the company would receive. This type of proposal also outlines the reasons why you would be the best candidate for the proposed position.

1.Research the position. Before writing this proposal, determine the need for the new job. Look at other companies, similar to yours, and decide if the job is necessary and beneficial. Research the job description, job title, salary information and pertinent facts regarding the job. If you determine that the job is necessary for the company, write the proposal to your supervisor or person who handles these types of decisions.
2.Create a cover letter. Most proposals begin with a cover letter that states brief facts about the document. In the cover letter, write your name and contact information, the company's name and contact information, the date and the title of the proposal, for example, "Proposal for New Job." Be sure to include the name of the person who will be reading the proposal as well.
3.Begin the proposal with the purpose of the document, which is considered the introduction. Describe the job position you are proposing, state that you would like to be considered for this job and describe briefly the purpose of the job.
4.Offer more details. In the body of the proposal, go into further details regarding the job description, the job duties and responsibilities.
5.Describe the benefits. List each benefit the company would receive by creating this particular position. In this section of the proposal, listing each benefit with bulleted points is an ideal way to present the information.
6.Include the needed resources. Describe what would be needed for this job --- like an office, a computer and possibly an office assistant or secretary. Include also the cost of the job. State an approximate salary amount, as well as the benefits the employee would receive.
7.Describe why you would be ideal for the position. Tell the reader your previous accomplishments and skills and describe why the company should consider hiring you to fill the proposed position.
8.Close the proposal. Reiterate positive details or benefits of this new job and thank the reader for considering your proposal. Inform him that you will contact him in 1 or 2 weeks to follow up on the proposal, if you have not yet received a response from him. Sign your name at the end of the proposal.

Jan 3, 2012

How Can You Get Quotes For Business Insurance?

While it is important to have business insurance, it is equally as important to know where to look to get the best prices. This aspect is actually what most people dread because they assume they will have to call each individual company to get an accurate quote. Not only is this time consuming, but it is also a waste of resources because of the fact that this process can take an entire day.

Running a business means that certain precautions must be taken that most people can ignore, one of which, is gettingquotes for business insurance to be sure the right coverage is obtained.
While the general public has the option to choose getting insurance or not, it is essentially a necessity for a business to have one. While it is not legally required in every state, there are several instances where business insurance will come in handy.
Why is Business Insurance Important?
The reason why business insurance is so important is because of the fact that they can be held liable for any injury that occurs on the property. This can range from a simple slip and fall in the office to a hit and run in the parking lot. Regardless of who was at fault, the business can end up paying for fees and even penalties because of where the incident took place.
The Risk of Not Having Business Insurance
Businesses without insurance may end up paying much more than they would ever have to if they were covered. While it may have been safe to not have business insurance in the past, the shaky economy has made people more cautious and more likely to file claims for any incidents because they will not have to pay for the hospital fees. It is not a unique story to hear of a business that was forced to go bankrupt because they were unable to pay for hospital fees and did not have adequate insurance coverage.
How Technology has Changed the Landscape
Even though calling and getting quotes is how the process used to be done, it does not mean that it still has to be done that way anymore. Given how technology has changed business over the years, it is no surprise that people have resorted to the Internet to find the best business insurance prices. They have the opportunity to simply type in data and get instant results, including whether they are approved and how much coverage will cost.
The Online Advantage

Getting business insurance quotes online has altered the insurance landscape significantly. Companies know that customers now have access to all different types of quotes, forcing them to offer unique incentives as well as lower prices to attract new clients. In fact, they have had to change their strategies so that they have favorable results when quotes are brought up. Smart shoppers will be able to utilize this competitive edge in order to gain the best coverage for the lowest price.
Comparison Shopping with Websites
Even though it is possible to go to each insurance company’s site and get a quote, there are websites that can search a wide range of insurance sites and quickly pull in results. By simply putting in the required information and submitting what is desired, these comparison sites can retrieve the exact information that will help make the best decision. This is by far the quickest method of obtaining a wide number of results in a short amount of time. Why spend the time of visiting each site individually when a site can pull the same results in a matter of seconds?
Why Comparing is the Best Option
Even if there is an insurance company that you have used for several years, it is beneficial to compare their rates with other companies. Even if the price is the same, the coverage may be different from company to company. While one company may offer a lower price, it may not cover everything that you are looking for to ensure the safety of everyone who is on your property.
What is the Cost of Using Comparison Sites?
It is not unnatural to assume that a website that searches a broad range of insurance companies would charge a fee to do so. However, there are several comparison sites that will offer this service free of charge. In other words, there is absolutely no reason why a person should refrain from using a comparison site when they are looking for the best business insurance.