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Sep 19, 2011

Advantages of Distance Learning

Over the past few years, distance learning has emerged as a popular and an acceptable mode of acquiring academic credentials. With no traffic commute and money spent on fuel, an individual can add to his or her academic standing through distance learning.But as every system has few pros and cons associated with them, there are also advantages and disadvantages of distance learning which need to be examined carefully. Let us carefully look at the advantages and disadvantages of correspondence courses.
Few advantages and disadvantages of distance learning are:
Flexible Pace
With an online learning system, students can access their course from anywhere provided they have an internet access and a computer. This enables students to study when and where ever it’s feasible for them without managing the class attendance hassle amidst of a busy routine.
No Travelling Costs
Signing up for online courses is an effective method of reducing gas /petrol expenses as most of the work is home based and since trips are saved going to and from campus, ample time is conserved.
Various Choices for Educational Institutions
In case one happens to live in a community with minimal college options, opting for various reputable institutions can be possible through distance learning. Distance learning in such circumstances would provide one with a broader educational context with a variety of course offerings compatible with one’s field.
Simultaneous Management of Job
Since distance learning courses are managed according to one’s own pace, usually it becomes easy to manage studies with job. Being able to focus on one’s job enables a person to take care of their recurring expenses, thus providing them with a stable living while completing their education online.
Opportunity to Gain Additional Skills
In the course of completing distance learning courses, one acquires a great deal of knowledge that was gained through browsing, surfing or just dealing with computers. That know-how can be applied to other surfaces of life.
Low Course Fee
Generally distance learning courses are of low costs as compared to courses offered in a traditional setting. One can earn a good quality degree or a diploma at a fairly low tuition price.

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