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Feb 25, 2018

Simple Ways To Effectively Save Money At Work

Given that most of us spend the biggest chunk of our days in office, it's also the place that witnesses some of our unhealthiest and most wasteful spending habits

Given that most of us spend the biggest chunk of our days in office, it's also the place that witnesses some of our unhealthiest and most wasteful spending habits

Most of us tend to have this terrible habit of uploading investment proofs for accounting purposes, which invariably ends in paying thousands in taxes that could have been easily avoided. If you must, take a day off a fortnight before the deadline for submitting investment proofs to your office just to get your paperwork in order with your CA and investment manager.

It's tedious to go through the monthly cycle of filing medical, travel, conveyance, telephone bills, we know. But it's important, because over months, it can amount to tens of thousands of rupees. If you don't do it before the end of the financial year, you end up paying a LOT of tax on it, and you may even have to forfeit some reimbursements altogether.

Even if you're not ordering in every day, and your office provides you lunch at a subsidised cost, it's still worth your while to spend time cooking your own meals and bringing them to work. For one, cooking can be a great destressing activity.

Buying roasted channa might be more expensive than a 100-rupee packet of chips, but it's an investment in your health and is cheaper in the long run. Also, it's definitely a whole lot cheaper than the cheese burger we all end up succumbing to when there's no food in sight while working late.