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Jan 14, 2015

Learning Watercolor Painting

It is very important to determine the exact combination of hues to produce a remarkable artwork or masterpiece. Remember that if you cannot master the exact color mixtures, you might end up completing a disappointing work. Although some folks find it easy even if they have not tried it, creating a masterpiece with watercolors require precise concentration and continuous learning. You have to master how to blend the colors with water and stroke your brush to finish your artwork the right way.

On the other hand, watercolor painting has a different case and once you create a mistake, you cannot just repaint your work. Meaning, you to have to start all over again using new materials and repeat the design you want. Because of this, it is very important to work cautiously, Again, make sure to perfect your strokes, color combinations and follow your ideas with care. By the way, if we look at most of the popular artists today, they do not just focus on using paintbrushes. They use their hands or feet to create an impressive artwork that can definitely grab the attention of the people.

This lesson is about painting and does not cover drawing skills or address proportion to a great extent. If you learn to use the correct techniques on your already finished drawing, you should do fine. One hint that you need to take to heart is this; If you don't have an accurate drawing, do not attempt to paint the person. You more than likely will not achieve a likeness if you don't have a likeness first in pencil.

This reflection or catch-light should be two toned, matching the whites of the eyes. The iris will have several tones and is never just one color. The whites of the eyes are never pure white but shades of gray, and will most likely not be the brightest spot on the face or the whole painting. I usually add a tiny bit of red in the corner membrane. Study your subject for accurate color variation. Use an out lineof a darker shade like burnt sienna and outline the entire iris.

Now with the same burnt sienna paint in a pupil. Depending on how the light hits the eye will depend on where the catch-light of the iris will be. Make sure that the catch-light hits both eyes in generally the same spot however. A line painted in over the top of the eye will serve as the upper eyelid. Some people have a definite line to define the lower lid as well. The eyelids should be painted how you see them.