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Apr 28, 2012

Get The Right Information On How To Speed Read

Speed Read
Reading better and faster is a skill and in order to master it, a little perseverance is required. Reading better is helpful for everyone, whether a school student or a working professional. Throughout your life, you will find various materials to be read and if you have never done any research on how to read better, then perhaps you might assume that there is no way you can read better and faster as it is fixed. But that's a wrong notion. Knowing how to read better comes with a number of advantages. First of all, you can read more in less time. This will indirectly increase your vocabulary, more concentration and better communication skills.

The best part of learning how to read better is that it does not take much time to acquire this skill, only set aside ten minutes each day to practice certain techniques and you will excel in no time. In order to survive in this age of competition, people should focus on how to read better or else reading without comprehension will be useless and bring along several problems in their life. So it is high time to improve your reading proficiency by implementing certain concepts. Start with some topic which interests you, such as topics on the newspaper or magazines. This way you will learn something new and also learning will be healthier and fun. Highlight the important sections where your information resides in. This way only the parts which need attention will be consumed.

Most people read in a haphazard process. They do not consider the natural course when your eyes seem to move smoothly over the lines of type from left to right. But the truth is that your eye stops to register one or two words, jerks to the right and then continue the process until you read the entire line. Though we read with the eyes, they are only a camera which photographs images for the mind to translate. So the eyes should be trained to record faster and swiftly. Get your purpose fixed, with this both comprehension and retention are sharpened. Maintain certain techniques, to help you read better every time. Firstly, eliminate the bad habit of vocalization as it slows down reading speed. Here the reader pronounces the words out loud when he reads through them.

Most people want to learn how to speed read in order to save time while reading their favourite books or other reading materials. It's not that difficult to learn, it all depends on how much time you spend practising with our easy to follow steps.
In order to make use of this short article you must be willing to follow our steps so you can start practicing them and in a short time read faster.

It doesn't matter what type of reader are you at the moment, speed reading is not that hard to master when you have the right information on how to speed read.

Step 1: Have your eyes checked
In order to start with the first basic step in your journey to speed reading first you must have good eyes or have your eyes checked at a professional eye doctor, because most people read slowly because of their vision problems.

So the first thing you must check on your list is to have perfect eye vision, if you are not sure about your eye problems you can easily take an eye exam at a specialist.

The next thing you must do is timing your current reading speed. It is very important for you to know before you start applying our steps how fast are you reading right now so you can keep track of your future performance.

Before you start reading make sure there are no distractions around you, turn off the TV or go in a quiet room where no one can bother you.

The next advice is related to your personality. Before you open the book you must decide how fast you are willing to read.

Step 2: Not to reread
In step two on how to read fast you will learn some basic tips that you can apply on your own. The most important thing when trying to speed read is no to reread. Try not to reread a sentence or a paragraph, doing so will save you a great amount of time. Another important factor is not to read to oneself or stop reading to oneself.

To read with your hand is another important factor when you learn how to read quickly. The basic principle that lies behind this fact is that your eyes will follow motion so will be constantly bushing yourself forward.

Step 3: Practice!
As I said earlier in this article, speed reading comes only with practice, you must practice and practice until you are happy with your reading time. You must practice reading blocks of words instead of just reading one word at a time. Doing so will save you time and effort and most important if you apply our steps you will notice an increase in your performance.

The next thing you should keep in mind is that you must always push yourself, while practicing try to force yourself to read faster and faster. Start easy and work your way up and push the limits so you can achieve perfection.

Apr 17, 2012

Learn About The Effective Ways To Manage Your Time

Have you noticed that the hours, days, weeks and even months go by, and your list of things to do just never gets any shorter. Do you even have a "to do" list? You end your day, exhausted and saying to yourself "I wish there was more hours in the day so I could get everything done". Your dreams are always in the back of your head, but for some reason you never have any time to work on them.

So why is it that others seem to naturally master their time and find enough room for both their daily activities, and also have time to work on their dreams?

So many of the things that we learn about life come through the example shown by our parents. My father died when he was only 52 years of age and that was several decades ago but I still think about the lessons that he taught me through his actions. Today I will share some of the things that I learned from dad about how to invest time wisely:

1. Build a career - You don't have to become a workaholic to establish a reputation in the workplace but you do have to focus on the things that are your responsibility. When dad was at work, he worked. His coffee and lunch breaks were taken consistently and he did not cheat the system or expect more from his staff than he was willing to do. He gained respect as Manager of a Credit Union because he was honest, intelligent, interested in people, and could be trusted to do what he promised.

2. Develop a second income with the skills you already have - Throughout his life, dad always kept money that he earned from miscellaneous activities in a special place in his wallet. The deposits in what he called his "slush fund" came from activities such as building furniture for the kindergarten room at school, driving a truck during harvest or assembling new farm equipment for the implement dealer. The fact that he had this second income allowed him to purchase items that would otherwise not be possible and also reduced any need that he might have had to ask for a raise at his regular job.

3. Rest - So often, during a lunch break or on a holiday we would hear dad say "Give me ten minutes". Dad was a master at being able to lie down for a short period of time and wake up feeling totally refreshed. This was because he knew how to how "shut down' his brain and relax his body quickly. So many people lie down and then allow their minds to think about things that prevent rest when they could have used the time to actually benefit through rest.

4. Find enjoyable hobbies - When you have things that interest you, then you become more interesting and less needy. Dad sang in a barbershop chorus, worked on paint by number projects and loved both playing and watching sports. No one ever had to worry about him demanding attention because he knew how to entertain himself.

5. Honour family - Dad respected and visited family members from both his and mom's side on a regular basis. He would stop in at my maternal grandmother's or at his brother's even if it was only for an hour to "catch up", share a laugh or recall a good memory. He always supported the activities of my sister and me, enjoyed a wonderful partnership with our mother and spoke love for all of us through his actions.

6. Give to others - I never ever saw dad ignore the need of another person. He would reach into his pocket and give to individuals and to charity. He listened to those who needed an ear and encouragement. Helping others usually helps us to realize that our own troubles are not that significant and that they will not disappear by merely worrying more.

Everyone loved my father and admired the way that he lived life with zest and wisdom. One of the reasons that he could do this, I believe, is that he maintained a good, healthy balance that included taking responsibility in caring for self and caring for others.

Apr 12, 2012

Self Improvement Serves You A Great Honor And Respect

At first thought, I wouldn't think that there is anything wrong with defending myself, or explaining myself if I feel that I am being misunderstood. If someone has the wrong idea about me or something I said or did, I should set the record straight. Most people would agree with this. But, I would like to suggest that this is not always a good idea.

In any situation, it pays to listen. Sometimes people are so quick to assume that the other person has got them all wrong and they need to correct them immediately. This often leads to emotional reactions, interrupting the other person, and not fully understanding what they are getting at. In essence, a perfectly harmless comment, or a healthy dose of constructive criticism can go unheard or misunderstood. If you cut off the person speaking in order to make your point, how do you know if your point is really relevant?

Self improvement serves man a great honor and respect. It gives him success and progression in life. Man is made highly popularized and emfamoused through self improvement. He is greatly inspired and encouraged by achieving self improvement. He can create his life enlightened and brightened with the life of self improvement.

No doubt self improvement is a great power which builds up man's life with full of glorification and dignification. The life achieves the completion of receipt. Self improvement serves man the high position and status in the society. A man of self improvement is no doubt a prominent and distinguished figure in the world. He is highly honored and respected everywhere.

Self-improvement refers to the great position of development and prosperity of the human being. It is also described as the betterment and enrichment achieved and gained by a man who has taken an untold suffering and troubling to embrace them but never got frightened facing any danger and risks Self-improvement-making man can finds out the fulfillment of life. He enjoys the true taste and enjoyment living with peace and happiness on earth.

Self- improvement comes of a firm and strong determination which is actually originated from the human mind and heart where the great dream and wish are nourished for a long time. I strongly believe self-improvement is the greatest and grandest achievement to the one that becomes to achieve it successfully. Though it a great matter to realize and think deeply that self-improvement does not depend upon someone with no cause. Greater sacrifice and dedication have to be needed to have the greatly desired and expected dove of development and improvement.

Self-improvement is the best improvement which is the only result of the one that successfully gets able to achieve it. The one can never acquire it easily and simply. It is the great and sweet result of untold sufferings and saddening. A lot of struggle and efforts are undertaken for it. Self-improvement is to be served with a great hardship and difficult. A self- improvement-making one has to run a long way to overcome it. He has also to overtake a great many dangers and risks for self-improvement. He has to look for it for a long and fixed dates and times.

A self -improvement making man is the most honored and respected one. He is the most glorified and dignified one in the society. He deserves all the credit and glory of his making success and progress. Because all the honor and dignity of his great success that means self-improvement is the sweet result of his own-made result. In a word this is his singly-made result. So he is to be the most admired and followed by all in the society. He should be thought the most recognized and most dignified man everywhere.

All the human characteristics are made healthy by virtue of self-improvement. Man can find the the prosperity of living exactly. Man's confidence grows highly enough. Such kind of confidence serves man great inspiration and encouragement. Everyone should be confident of earning self-improvement.

Apr 1, 2012

Self Improvment Depends On Your Mind Really

Self improvement requires one to set several positive goals (directives) and behave in those ways consistently and often enough to convince the Deep Mind to accept them. They then join the vast reservoir of Deep Mind Directives that control your behavior. Just wanting to achieve self improvement or just planning what you need to do in order to achieve self improvement (though essential) will never lead a person to improve. Only transforming those ideas and directives into action that one practices will change ones life and actually move a person toward his or her self improvement goals.

For example, if your road to self improvement requires becoming confident when speaking with other people (and the reason you are not confident is because the power of mind is telling you that you should not have such confidence) you must find a safe person or small group of people with whom you can talk without fear. Practice in that setting until you feel at ease. As your Deep Mind comes to understand that you want that kind of confidence (by watching you practice and seeing your new behavior) it will begin accepting a directive about self confidence when speaking with others.

Build your replacement directive in a series of tiny steps and you will be amazed at how you can come to control your reactions and feelings by evoking and focusing the power of mind in this way. Overwhelm the inappropriate directives in your Deep Mind with powerful, stress free, practice of your desired, helpful, directives, and you will find the power of mind leading you toward an ever increasing realization of your self improvement goals.

The mastery of the functions of your Deep Mind is the most essential power of mind you can develop. It is basic to achieving your self improvement goals. Your Deep Mind always tries to direct your behavior in the manner it believes you want. It obtains those ideas from observing how you behave. When you have been behaving like a needy, helpless, person, that is what the Deep Mind has experienced so that is how it believes you want to live. Those are the kinds of directives it sends you. Self improvement progresses from, first, deciding which alternate path you want to follow; second, planning some first, easy steps in that direction; and third, practicing that new behavior until you have made a believer out of your Deep Mind. You can harness the very power of mind that has been directing you toward an unsatisfying life and refocus it to help you create the areas of self improvement for which you long.

Self-improvement and Personal Development is not brain surgery; all you've to do to alter your life is to follow these simple tips and advice. Self Improvement has become mainstream. In the last few years, since I have been writing articles and submitting them to article sites, I've noticed that the category of "Self Improvement" has been showing up lately when it was never there before. To me, this is very good news. More than a decade ago, I got started on this journey of self improvement. The real catalyst that got me started was going through an experience of life that some people choose called "divorce". But although the divorce was the great catalyst I needed to get off my behind and improve myself in every way possible, the beginnings of that journey would never have been possible without direction.

It was a really strange time of my life because I wasn't working, having left the only "real job" of my adult life almost a year earlier. Well, I was sort of working with some startup that had big dreams, but I wasn't getting paid for it, and frankly, I was just going through the motions with it and with life as a whole. Self improvement tips are necessary for each person in order for them to recognize the areas in which they need to improve, especially with somebody who likes to do things properly who does not see himself or herself as having any faults or deficiencies. Everybody needs self improvement. Every person aspires to have a better, successful and fulfilled life. Self improvement is one of the tools that attains this goal. Every person is unique. Each individual has thousands of facets of his life that could or need to be improved.

Sick people in that matter. He met a catatonic, a mentally retarded, a schizophrenic and so on. Patch found ways of treating his own ailment and finally realized he has to get back on track. He woke up one morning realizing that after all the failure and pains he has gone through, he still want to become the a doctor. Review the websites of these companies and discover how they present their marketing materials and the kinds of language that they use in their web copy. Make sure that you do not copy their information, but study these sites and learn what these leaders in the self growth and self improvement industry know about their potential clients. Here is where the one takes what they think and feel about into the body, through the subconscious mind.